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United Way Hires New Whitley County Launchpad Coordinator


United Way Posted by: United Way 2 years ago

Rachel Alexander, Launchpad Whitley County Coordinator with her family.

We’re thrilled to announce the hiring of Rachel Alexander as our new Whitley County Coordinator for Launchpad!

Rachel Alexander’s experiences made her an exciting candidate from the beginning. Her work experience includes time spent with her family’s business in orthopedic manufacturing in Columbus, OH, and she recently founded Giving Gardens Indiana, a nature-focused preschool. 

Rachel has a unique blend of business and childcare experience that made her an excellent candidate for this role.

“I have been interested in education since I was a little girl and once I started volunteering as a teenager I quickly realized I wanted to work in the nonprofit sector. I am passionate about improving my community and when the United Way position became available I saw it as an opportunity to use my nonprofit and business management experience as a way to further the impact I strive to make.” – Rachel Alexander

Rachel is currently reaching out to childcare providers to build relationships, and discover what their needs are so she can best support them.

Her goal is to build a community that values early childhood education by investing in improvements to the childcare situation in Whitley County.

“With collaboration, we can make sure the needs of parents, providers, and the workforce environment are all being met.” – Rachel Alexander

Over the next six months, Rachel will visit area childcare facilities, hold conversations with business leaders and work with regional organizations to explore new resources to bring to Whitley County.

Ultimately, Launchpad will develop an action plan to build the infrastructure necessary for new childcare options to develop and for existing childcare programs to thrive within Whitley County.

“Families need childcare options that work for them across geographic boundaries. Changing how childcare works is a long-term proposition and we believe our families are worthy of that commitment.” Darren Bickel, United Way President